X - by Strawberryy Fields on Polyvore.com
To be worn with black tights as it is so cold. I already have a black blazer, old jeans waiting to be cut up and the brogues but, mine are completely black, see yesterday's post. All I need is a decent plaid shirt, any suggestions?
You already were part of my list, darling (;
I always read your blog when I'm a little down; it cheers me up (:
Good luck with your school work!!
thank you honey :)
aww I hate bird poo too!
yesterday, me and my friend were sat on a bench, and bird poo dropped right next to my friends foot, and just missed her! it was soo funny/lucky!
yayyy heroes jumper!
glad your nearly finished with work honey! did you take geography for gcse? if you did, so did I, so I may be able to help you sometimes - although i'm not the best! haha
my suggestion for a plaid shirt is forever 21...but I don't think you have those in the UK? hmm...oh, and do you want to exchange links? I think I asked you but maybe it didn't work or something...:/ lovely outfit!
Hi there-a great set and I would suggest going to some of your local charity shops to hunt a plaid shirt, you should get one for less than £5 and check out the mens section too!
I am looking for some old jeans in my closet to cut them... no luck for the moment. Love this look.
Ooo ooo I love plaid! =) And that red shirt would go so well with the blazer you selected. Gosh polyvore seems fun I think I'll give it a go one day. Ahhaha I noticed Robbie on the side of your blog! <3
Great inspiration... I love melissa man shoes...
xoxo: Janet
Great picks! I put you in my daily dose blog log. Take a look:)
I love the bracelets!
I love your new header honey and I tagged you!
The plaid is cute, isn't it?!?!?
Thanks so much for stopping by and following the blog. I much appreciate.
See you soon
The shirt is gorgeosu! Great polyvore set :)
Beautiful outfit! Love love love flannel :)
I founf the most amazing collection of flannel mens shirts at a seonds store the other day. It took all my self-restraint not to snaffle them all up :)
I hope you are well and happy, and not too stressed out with school and such. You are beautiful!!
you are too cute, best place to get plaid, mens section in a thrift shop, ther eare soo many ugly ugly shirts that people have worn but occasionally, you come across a decent flannel-ish shirt with awesome plaid. that's where i found mine:)
Very lovely Polyvore outfit!! :)
I really need a black blazer, and it wouldn't hurt to have those bracelets too!
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