[One Very Romantic Soul]

My photo
The town re-named 'Rain', Scotland, United Kingdom
[I am a Scottish teenager who hates haggis and does not have ginger hair. I have brown curly hair that is extremely unruly and seems to think it has to always be covering my face. I have a nose that is too long to match the rest of my face and teeth that are wonky but don't need braces. I can't click my fingers, whistle or find my heartbeat with a stethascope in Physics. You can read my face like a book at times, and you may not even want to look at my face on other days. People call me cute. I write my essays in pink biro and Bill Shakespeare is my homeboy]

[To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss]

[To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss]
"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different"

Coco Chanel

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Great Expectations

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I am writing this at my Gran's trying not to make too much noise as she thinks I am having a 'lie down'. I have been greeting endless relatives who I have never heard of and don't recognise. Then they start saying, 'Oh how much you have grown!' Well that's what happens! I have been asked about 25 times tonight what I want to be and been told at least 50 times that they are 'expecting excellent exam results'. Likely that's going to happen. Everyone wants me to be a geologist, a mechanical engineer (like my dad) or a teacher (like half my family.) The only thing that has kept me going tonight is my great aunt's banoffee pie. Wow!

Right now I could be at home. Watching my Heroes boxset. Hmmm. Stay tuned though as in the next few posts I will be showing you a new outfit, my christmas presents and the blogs I will be passing my award onto! Exciting stuff!


Seeker said...

Hi sweetheart :)
Thank you so much for your comments and well wishies. I'm feeling better thanks, not 100%, but almost.

OHHH I love this post, it reminded me so much when I was about your age and distant relatives appeared....
LOL that sucks indeed....

Oh well, but it's just some occasional things. That shall pass ;)


Anonymous said...

Hi there!
I know exactly how you feel...I have a huge family, many of which I meet once in a blue moon :)
Great blog you have here...I'll be back to read more:)
Ciao for now!

Wasteful Watcher said...

I AM THE FIRST!!! muahahaha...
i love heroes and i know exactly how u feel, i get asked those sort of questions by my mum and dad every so often and once u get good results that won't shut the up sadly...

Demi said...

thank you very much :)
and aw cute post, my family is the same!!

oh and your right, twilight is one of the best films ever! :D

yiqin; said...

Is Heroes better now!? I was addicted to season one butstopped in season 2!


Thank you darling! XO

I need to catch up on Heroes (still not done with the first season DVD box set... ARGH!)

Christian Bale is my main crush. I even dream of him sometimes. HAHHA once we even "kissed" can you believe it????


Anonymous said...

i love your new banner! ahh heroes is so good!

Míriam Juan-Torres said...

U are not the only one being asked what u want to be, I'm exhausted to say i don't know! during Christmas Holidays! I know how u feel!

Petra said...

Oh dear me, I hope everything is better for you by now! Its never that nice to be in uncomfortable family situatuations, especially when they stary rattling on about how much is expected of you. Grump!

Good to know that you at least have the banoffee pie to keep you company :)

Ooooh and I finished Breaking Dawn! SO good! Hah, i want to read them all again now... this could get messy!


Audrey Leighton said...

love the name, love the blog.



Sharon said...

Hi there-look forward to the outfits on show!!

FashionSqueah! said...

Oh your description of family occasions made me laugh so much! I have my Gran's 90th on Sunday and so I have this all to look forward too...I won't know who anybody is since my family are not at all close! They always comment on how you've grown, don't they? It's like "not since I was 11 actually, but thanks...". Char x

Demi said...

thank you :)
i know, he iss!!!!
i didn't really like him when i saw photos of him at first, but in the film he is just gorgeous! ahh haha!
and no i haven't read them honey

DaisyChain said...

Haha, I see my grandparents at least once a week and they still comment on how I've grown since last time!


THANK YOU- that truly means a lot and it is so hard to let go- of replying back, i feel guiltyyy. If only there were 36 hours in a day!

Avi said...

haha,hey nice post. i can sort of relate with the pressure part with the family.