[One Very Romantic Soul]

My photo
The town re-named 'Rain', Scotland, United Kingdom
[I am a Scottish teenager who hates haggis and does not have ginger hair. I have brown curly hair that is extremely unruly and seems to think it has to always be covering my face. I have a nose that is too long to match the rest of my face and teeth that are wonky but don't need braces. I can't click my fingers, whistle or find my heartbeat with a stethascope in Physics. You can read my face like a book at times, and you may not even want to look at my face on other days. People call me cute. I write my essays in pink biro and Bill Shakespeare is my homeboy]

[To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss]

[To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss]
"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different"

Coco Chanel

Thursday, 15 January 2009


I tagged myself =S after reading the Minx's latest post she said anyone could give it a go, so I obviously went for it!

The Rules
1. Go to the 4th folder in your computer where you store your pictures.

2. Pick the 4th picture in that folder.

3. Explain the picture.

4. Tag 4 people to do the same!

Yeah, that's my cat called Ruby. She is 5 and enjoys eating, sleeping by my radiator and catching worms in the garden and leaving them where I am going to stand in the morning with bare feet. Not nice! I love her really though. Her eyes look kind of freaky because of the flash but I think the whole tongue thing is cute. She never licks me.

Do it if you fancy, it's kind of cute!
Photo: Alice


Sharon said...

Hi there-lovely pics, your cat is soo cute!

FashionSqueah! said...

I attempted this tag too but it was a bad photo and not at all sweet or artistic liek everyone else's attempts and so I chickened out! Char x

FashionSqueah! said...

Oh, thanks you so much for the award and for the lovely words you wrote about us! Made my day, so thanks again, I'll have to display it proudly in my next post! Char x

Seeker said...

Hi lovely :)
This is such a funny tag, I was also tagged to do this.
Hmmmm.... what am I going to do now that I was thinking in tagging you... ;)

I just love your picture. Your cat is sooooooo cute lol.
I love cats and I love dogs.

Take care dear,


TheMinx said...

thanks for your comment girl, I'm glad you did the tag. I have a cat named Ruby too!

Camilla said...

Haha, yeah I did that too.. I just tagged myself, because I'm sitting at home, being pathetically sick and having nothing to do.
Anyway. Like I said: LOVE! your blog and love rummaging through all your older posts. They make me happy (:

And thank you so much for following my blog! You don't know how much that means to me!

Hope you have the BEST of days darling!!!


yiqin; said...

Ah the last photo is so good.

Trish said...

Awww, I like the cat!! Really cute! :)


thank you strawberry shortcake!! =]


Camilla said...

Hrm..I hope you feel better now, then (:
Thanks for the comment! If you feel bad, you should do the same thing as I did in my last post: just list all your favourite things, starting with the things from the list and maybe even adding some to it afterwards. By listing all those fun, nice, good things you love, you'll feel better soon (:
Whereabouts do you live in Europe? Depending on the place, it doesn't have to be a bad thing that you've never left the EU (;

Song of Style said...

hahah she leaves the worm so u could step on it?? hahahaha so adoarble!

Athena. said...

Cute photos, I adore your blog :)

Sam said...

I miss my own cat now, when I saw yours.. My cat, she was such a cutie, died about 2 years ago.. But your cat looks and sounds really sweet!