[One Very Romantic Soul]

My photo
The town re-named 'Rain', Scotland, United Kingdom
[I am a Scottish teenager who hates haggis and does not have ginger hair. I have brown curly hair that is extremely unruly and seems to think it has to always be covering my face. I have a nose that is too long to match the rest of my face and teeth that are wonky but don't need braces. I can't click my fingers, whistle or find my heartbeat with a stethascope in Physics. You can read my face like a book at times, and you may not even want to look at my face on other days. People call me cute. I write my essays in pink biro and Bill Shakespeare is my homeboy]

[To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss]

[To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss]
"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different"

Coco Chanel

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

All of a Sudden

Over the past few days I have realised just how much time I spend eating, blogging and spending money on things I don't really need so I am going to try and spend more time doing homework and working towards my upcoming exams. But everyone deserves a break so here are some pictures I have rounded up over the past week or so.
Saturdays outfit. Topshop tee; Primark skirt; H&M skirt; Traidcraft necklace.
I'm not a big wearer of jewellery but I normally wear this sort of stuff. Traidcraft necklace; New Look (Chanel style) hairband; Bracelets from Xmas cracker.
One of my friends took this picture of me at my drama class. I look rather awful as my eyebrows are lighter than my hair but I love the penguin so much I just had to show you!
Yet another program on my schedule... Did anyone see the new series of 90210 on E4 last night (Brits)? I only saw about twenty minutes. Does it get any bitchier because that's the whole reason I watched it! And who is watching Gok Wan's Too Fat, Too Young tonight (Brits again?). I think it will be very deep and meaningful as he will be talking to teenagers who are obese. As a young boy, Gok Wan was bullied for being fat, gay and Chinese all at the same time so we will maybe see a new side to Gok tonight.


Indy said...

cute necklace (and penguin)! Good luck studying and stuff - I have made the same resolution at least once a week...never seems to work out for me...

Love, love, love

Míriam Juan-Torres said...

You look so sweet, and I like ur skirt, so much :)

Syana said...

aah you're so cute! I love penguins <3

Seeker said...

Oh sweet strawberry, everybody deserves a break and grt into real life.
My blogging is being too much time consumming, and I'll have to do something....

Good luck with your studies, enjoy your time, you'll be missed by me.

Much love


Vera said...

You are so cute, sweetie! I love your plush penguin, adorable!

Tina { Luphia Loves... } said...

the necklaces are so pretty & fun, love the colours!

Sharon said...

Hi there-you look lovely in the last photo, you should do more outfit shots with your face showing, you're really pretty!

Demi said...

ohh thank you honey!
ohmygosh, I think they are the only good songs I like! I'm obsessed with James Morrison, but other than that I have awful taste in music - I love all the disney, cheesey stuff haha!

and thankfully, we had a sub and he went out of the room so we were able to doodle and take photos haha!

oh and I do my headers on a programme called paint shop pro honey :)

I WATCHED 90210! its fabulous!!! and yes, it gets even bitchier haha. its become a firm favourite programme of mine now, even after one episode, I love tv programmes like that!

good luck with school honey!


Baybay Mama said...

Love the penguin.

yiqin; said...

Very adorable outfit! The skirt is fab!

Kathryn said...

i love that necklace!

Trish said...

I love your top!! :)

DaisyChain said...

I love your jewellery picture, and still covet your hair so much!

Alice X said...

you're so pretty:) i love love love the jewlery there!