Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously.... Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
Over the recent weeks I have noticed the amount of time I am spending taking pictures of myself. My own self esteem seems to be rising but so is my own personal vanity. Perhaps it's my determination of getting noticed by the boy I sit next to in chemistry or maybe I am just naturally vain. Is that a bad thing? As usual, sorry about how crap these photos are.

I don't think vanity always has to be a bad thing at all, there's something nice about taking time over your appearance and I think it's also human nature! Oh and good luck with your chemistry crush, I wish I had a cute boy to sit next to!
Aren't we all bloggers that have a personal blog a little self centered??? So don't feel bad, let things flow...
And thank you so much beauty for your soooooo nice and kind words about La Mimi FIW at my blog.
And I understand the problem with your hair, moreover it could damage it to straight every day.
while i agree that blogging is making me spend obnoxious amounts of time posing in front of a camera, i think a certain degree of vanity is good too ;p well. not vanity. self esteem.
putting yourself out there kind of forces you to be confident in who you are and what you're doing, which is never a bad thing! (unless you're obnoxious about it haha)
and yesss i love blurriness haha
he is really cute!!!! but their weird relationship is the best they just fight abt everything...
La C.
Thank you :) omg, I was absolutely terrified!
and I think that a certain amount of vanity is good, and looking better makes everyone feel a whole lot better. I know I definitely feel better when i'm all made up rather than when i've just got out of bed!!
i am one of those ppl who thought robert pattison was wrongly cast to be honest... and his hair is just gross sometimes!! XD i kid. but it does.
i hate school in that way there r some ppl who talk bad behind everyones backs but then u just realize that they then actually have no friends.
oh, well...
I enjoy reading your blog. And your comments always make me smile. Thank you so much. Blogging is the best hobby, fun and reflective. :)
interestin blog u have
ps - i love that stanza from r&J :)
La C.
You are beautiful dear!...sounds cliche but inner beauty is most important...all the boys would agree...I hope :)
r u sure that it isnt just jealousness talking?
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