[One Very Romantic Soul]

My photo
The town re-named 'Rain', Scotland, United Kingdom
[I am a Scottish teenager who hates haggis and does not have ginger hair. I have brown curly hair that is extremely unruly and seems to think it has to always be covering my face. I have a nose that is too long to match the rest of my face and teeth that are wonky but don't need braces. I can't click my fingers, whistle or find my heartbeat with a stethascope in Physics. You can read my face like a book at times, and you may not even want to look at my face on other days. People call me cute. I write my essays in pink biro and Bill Shakespeare is my homeboy]

[To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss]

[To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss]
"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different"

Coco Chanel

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Essential Hats

Everyone has been giving me lots of feedback about my growing obsession with hats. Hats are utterly fabulous this season as they keep you so cosy and they are extremely fashionable. They come in all different price ranges. New Look do their beanies for a fiver, there are berets at Primark for £3 and H+M do some cute ones but the cheap ones are mainly for the small headed.

Going up the price range a little we come to Topshop and M+S. This amazing grey one from Topshop is £8 which is pretty good value. I love the more grungy look, it is very Laura of X Factor. Please note that this is not the actual Topshop one as you can't copy photos from their website but this one is similar enough.

This gorgeous M+S one is £12 but they do some cheaper ones that aren't so...big!

And finally, who could forget the notoriously expensive Accessorize hats, all near £15.
They are just beautiful though...
Elsewhere... I am not getting the usual kick out of chemistry these days as my current heart throb, M H, who is oblivious to my feelings for him has rolled his sleeves back down to his wrists due to the freezing classrooms. He has amazing forearms and I can't stop looking at them but now that they are covered I can only look at C R's not very attractive collection of facial fluff. M H probably thinks I'm a freak but at least he has a nice face.


Sharon said...

Hi there-some very nick picks here, I like the 1st red one and the grey ones too!

Daisy said...

More fun hats ! So pretty...!
I dont dislike all saints I just dislike seeing people from head to toe in all saits clothes.. although that goes for any shop really :)
I relaly want the grey hat like lauras !

DaisyChain said...

You really do make me wish I could rock hats.

Wasteful Watcher said...

i am really in to hats right now and am going to knit one soon. they r really easy to knit contrary to beliefs, and much easier then sox.
u should try knitting a hat coz it always feel that much special coz u made it urself.
i love the accesoriez ones... but the price a bit steep.

ryder said...

loving topshop hats, and this pieces aer essentials.


I love hats too. Especially these ones. :)

I must say today is a dark and rainy day too :(


FashionSqueah! said...

I'm not a hat person usually but I think at some point I'll give one a try - I really could use the extra heat! Also, if this helps, you can copy pictures from the Topshop website if you do a print screen (the PrtSc button at the top of the keyboard) then copy into paint and trim...it's not exactly quick but it works!

Seeker said...

Oh darling you alredy know my love for hats ;)
I've been looking for a beret, but here at my island I can find nothing....
I think I must search on line, but the cost of the shipping makes the hat so expensive....

Hope you're having a fab weekend, my dear.
Glad about the iPod ;)
All the best and take care

Anonymous social worker said...

I love those saggy hats as well!
hats rule

Demi said...

thank you honey :) and fabulous!!

I love hats :)
I only have one, cos i'm not sure if they suit me or not..I wish I could look as good as you in them!!