[One Very Romantic Soul]

My photo
The town re-named 'Rain', Scotland, United Kingdom
[I am a Scottish teenager who hates haggis and does not have ginger hair. I have brown curly hair that is extremely unruly and seems to think it has to always be covering my face. I have a nose that is too long to match the rest of my face and teeth that are wonky but don't need braces. I can't click my fingers, whistle or find my heartbeat with a stethascope in Physics. You can read my face like a book at times, and you may not even want to look at my face on other days. People call me cute. I write my essays in pink biro and Bill Shakespeare is my homeboy]

[To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss]

[To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss]
"In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different"

Coco Chanel

Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Into the Sales

Yesterday I set out on what will probably be the first of many shopping trips that focus mainly on the January sales. I wore this.

H&M Cardi, Topshop T-shirt, Primark Skirt, M&S tights.

I didn't end up buying very much. I got these shoes from Faith which were down from £25 to £15 so I was very pleased. They take a long time to get on and they leave marks on the top of my feet all night if I do up the straps to tightly.

I bought a card from All Saints which I have has my eye on for a while. I am not sending it to anyone though, I am just putting it on my wall =)

And, is it just me, or is my hair getting curlier?

I know I said that the last post I did was my last post of the year but it turns out I am not going away again until the New Year so I find myself insanely bored and needing to let some of my thoughts out.
And I got an award from the fabulous Demi, have a look at her blog here.

She said I was "The loveliest, funniest, sweetest girl ever. She has such a good sense of humour and has treated me like a friend ever since she started visiting here - and I am so grateful. She just seems to be nice to everyone and always leaves the sweetest comments!"

I am so touched! Thank you ever so much, I am so grateful for my first award. I have to pass it onto eight people but I still haven't decided who, as you are all so fabulous! I will do a post in the New year on that. Anyway, what are you all doing for New Year and did you have a fabulous Christmas? See you soon xxx

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Final Act.

I went to H I's house yesterday. Everyone hid from my camera and then we ate home made yule log.

My camera was in a weird mood and wouldn't take a picture of my whole outfit so i did it in two parts.

T shirt: New Look
Vest (underneath): George at Asda
Skirt: Primark
Tights: Primark
Socks: River Island

Just to show how festive I am

I got doodling last night and produced this so I thought I would just show you!
Well, this is my last post of 2008. Thank you so much for the last two moths of inspiration and feedback you have given me. Enjoy your holidays and come back well rested and fed! I hope to hear from you in the New Year, 2009 people! Love you all so much xxx

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Don't Look Now

“Learn the past, watch the present, and create the future.”


2008 has been quite a memorable year for me. There has been tears, bad times, awful moments, arguments and tensions. But there has been a lot of happiness for me. Smiles, laughter (a lot of laughter) and love, I guess. Most of all for this past year I would like to thank:

  1. My family, for being there for me and teaching me how annoying little brothers can be

  2. My fabulous and utterly amazing friends, for all the laughs, tears and hard times we have shared

  3. My cat, for listening

  4. Topshop, for helping me develop my own style

  5. H&M, for your amazing designs in jeans, skirts and cardigans

  6. Primark, for making me feel loved when I'm broke.

  7. Stephenie Meyer, for introducing me into a whole new world of literature and hot guys

  8. Grazia, for making me sound clever whenever I start talking about fashion

  9. Kings of Leon. Wow! you have amazing music

  10. Radiohead, for giving me a new anthem

  11. Muse, for making Twilight fabulous

  12. All of my amazing readers, for giving me beautiful feedback and flattering me more than I deserve. You all have such amazing blogs and are so inspirational, in style and personality.

  13. Well, it would come out eventually. Thank you T G for showing me love at first sight. Thank you for showing me how much it hurts when boys have better things to do. And, of course, thank you for showing me how hard it is to move on.

"If music be the food of love, play on."

Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare

Act 1 Scene 1

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Trust Me...

That is why everyone seems to love me when I get the straighteners out I guess.
Christmas Countdown
5 days to go. I got J S's secret Santa present. I gave her a peace dove necklace from Topshop and little flower clips from Miss Selfridge. Both were £5 and she loves them!

If you haven't seen Twilight yet (I have!) let me tell you that it is absolutely amazing. Possibly one of the greatest thing I have ever seen. It is such a good adaption and wow! Robert Pattinson is so hot. if you have read the book, the movie will have you in fits at times. My group were adding in a lot of 'oooooo's, hysterical laughs and miming of the words. A definite must see! I shall say no more but I will leave you with the incredible soundtrack. Happy Xmas shopping!
Muse — Supermassive Black Hole
Paramore — Decode
The Black Ghosts — Full Moon
Linkin Park — Leave Out All The Rest
MuteMath — Spotlight (Twilight Mix)
Perry Farrell — Go All The Way (Into The Twilight)
Collective Soul — Tremble For My Beloved
Paramore — I Caught Myself
Blue Foundation — Eyes On Fire
Rob Pattinson — Never Think
Iron & Wine — Flightless Bird, American Mouth
Carter Burwell — Bella's Lullaby
Radiohead - 15 Steps

Monday, 15 December 2008

Vanity Fair

Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously.... Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
Over the recent weeks I have noticed the amount of time I am spending taking pictures of myself. My own self esteem seems to be rising but so is my own personal vanity. Perhaps it's my determination of getting noticed by the boy I sit next to in chemistry or maybe I am just naturally vain. Is that a bad thing? As usual, sorry about how crap these photos are.

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Pj Party For One

I wasn't feeling much of an urge to go to sleep the other night so I stayed up for god knows how long taking taking photos of me with my new straight hair. I have had so many compliments about it but really, I am more of a curly person at heart.

TV/ Movie Update
Congratulations to Alexandra Burke who won the X Factor last night! I voted for her so many times and I love her song 'Hallelujah' which was originally by Rufus Wainwright and was in the first Shrek movie. I going to buy the CD on Friday when I am going to be seeing Twilight. I can't wait as we are going to be seeing it one the first day it's out and that will give me something to look forward to while I sit in the oh so dull end of term Christmas service. Snooze.
Is it just me, or does Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella, bug you. And not just because she gets to kiss Robert Pattinson?

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Essential Hats

Everyone has been giving me lots of feedback about my growing obsession with hats. Hats are utterly fabulous this season as they keep you so cosy and they are extremely fashionable. They come in all different price ranges. New Look do their beanies for a fiver, there are berets at Primark for £3 and H+M do some cute ones but the cheap ones are mainly for the small headed.

Going up the price range a little we come to Topshop and M+S. This amazing grey one from Topshop is £8 which is pretty good value. I love the more grungy look, it is very Laura of X Factor. Please note that this is not the actual Topshop one as you can't copy photos from their website but this one is similar enough.

This gorgeous M+S one is £12 but they do some cheaper ones that aren't so...big!

And finally, who could forget the notoriously expensive Accessorize hats, all near £15.
They are just beautiful though...
Elsewhere... I am not getting the usual kick out of chemistry these days as my current heart throb, M H, who is oblivious to my feelings for him has rolled his sleeves back down to his wrists due to the freezing classrooms. He has amazing forearms and I can't stop looking at them but now that they are covered I can only look at C R's not very attractive collection of facial fluff. M H probably thinks I'm a freak but at least he has a nice face.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Truly Scrumptious

On Sunday I went into town on my own as some people were recovering from a La Crosse game. Well, I had it even worse, it was between 0 and 1 degrees Celsius out there and I couldn't find my leggings so I had to just wear shorts and bare legs. They turned purple eventually, but I still made it to town! While out there I bought...
The H+M skirt that I found out about from Fashionable Early (see my blog list) at £15 and the Primark bag, or satchel, priced at £8. Scrumptious

I then went for a trip around New Look with my voucher and got this adorable beanie for £5,

which is far better value than this Accessorize one which is almost £15. The colours are just a little different but apart from that and the bow, they are practically the same.
So with the new addition from new Look, that brings my hat collection up to 8 hats. Four berets and four beanies. Ooooo, I never knew getting wrapped up warm could be so addictive.
Good news!
My iPod is alive and Amazon sent us a new Wii and this one did not get left outside in the pouring rain, so we forgive them!

Sunday, 7 December 2008


I think I may faint. I just went to take the washing out of the machine and my skirt felt a little heavy. I went into the pocket and I found my house's most wanted. But it was long gone. Okay, I lost my iPod and found it, soaking wet, in the washing machine. And my parents don't know yet. My mum is also pissed off because the Wii came in the mail today but the mailman 1. delivered it to the wrong address 2. no one even lives at that address and 3. he left it outside in the rain. £300 worth of Wii merchandise completely soaked through. I have not found the time to tell her about my poor dead iPod as she may go over the edge in such a bad mood. Guess I shall just have to steal my dad's rubbish mp3 until I can find enough money to buy a new one. I am thinking of the new nano...in red.

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

I know my birthday was ages ago but I have had no time to get photos of my fabulous presents! I was shaking with happiness after my amazing night and these were some of the presents I got. From E Mc and F A, an Ugly Betty calendar.
A gorgeous silk scarf from J S.

Mini dairy milk chocolates from R M, and they are in a milk carton shaped box! Cute or what?

Heroes Season 1 from G C. Peter Petrelli...ooooo =).

And from S-M T and H I, Desperate Housewives Season 1.

Even though none of my friends blog, thank you for an amazing party and even incredible presents. You know me so well!
Just to warn you, I don't watch as much TV as it seems. I watch many shows in moderation.

Friday, 5 December 2008

Red Beret: A Self Potrait

I have not really been doing anything for the last few days except, like everyone in my year, talking about the Costa Rica trip. But I am going to shut up about that and show you some weird pictures I have taken of my self recently. Sorry about the rubbishness of my camera.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Tights in a Twist

The other day I was yet again, in Primark with my mum and we went to but some tights. I got thin purple ones and thick grey ones. I have already worn the grey tights to school and my drama class as they are so cosy in this snowy/icy weather but I have not yet found an occasion to wear the purple ones.

Elsewhere, the World Challenge trip that I want to go on is now going to be in Costa Rica in central America. It will take place in the summer of 2010 and, if I become part of the team, I will have to fundraise around £3500. That is a lot of clothes...

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Tokoyo Brought Home

Scarf: Primark

Cardigan and white top (barely seen): Uniqlo

Bag for Life: Topshop

I was just flicking through some pictures of the trip to London I went on with my family. I particularly liked this one of me looking at Harrods. Just down the road from where I was standing , there was the the sushi bar, Wasabi where I had my first tasting of Japanese food which I loved. Japan has got to be the best country in the world. After Scotland, of course! And, as you can see, I am wearing clothing from the Japanese chain store, Uniqlo, which has got to be one of my favourite shops. Check out their website at http://www.uniqlo.co.uk/. They mainly sell basic and plain clothing at almost Primark prices!

Plus, one of my favourite TV characters is Japanese. Hiro Nakamura of Heroes has got to be one of the funniest guys alive along with his best friend, Ando who has no powers. But Hiro can control time and space. I.e, he can teleport, rewind, fast forward and freeze time. I love him! But not in that way....

Monday, 1 December 2008

Why So Much Woe...It's December?

I saw this skirt in Grazia and I was like wow! It is from Urban Outfitters at £38 which is not bad. Well...I was very happy to discover that it is now in the sale for £25 which is amazing so I was about to add it to my basket when it noticed that it was hand wash only. My mum would never hand wash it for me and I don't have time to. I am far too lazy as well.

I then moved onto option 2 which was this skirt priced at £38 as well and £20 in the sale. But it is hand wash only as well. It was starting to bug me but I looked at the other skirt I saw.

Priced at £42 but now £25, I don't like it very much and it is dry clean as well. That made a rather abrupt end to my Internet shopping marathon so I went and gloated my woes to my dad while eating his Norwegian chocolate. he came back yesterday from a business trip and I was missing our little random conversations!

Why can't shops just make nice skirts that you can shove in the washing machine? Is it too hard? We don't all have personal maids and butlers waiting on our hand and foot who will clean every piece of clothing by hand in the sink. When will they realise this. They better keep the same designs though!